Sponsorship Opportunities now available Click here

How to take part and contribute to Karuna Bali?

We provide several ways for people to contribute to our program that enable us to share the load of the program, enhance participation and engagement.

Those options are:
1.     Sponsoring Student
2.     Donate to the Cost of the Program, and
3.     Mentoring


This first option is suitable for individuals or organizations, such as NGOs, who intend to sponsor one student or more, and appreciate and enjoy having a direct connection and communication with the students whom they sponsor.
They usually need to keep track of the number of students whom they sponsor, enable them to share what they have achieved and also to show the integrity of their work to their network of friends, and supporters.
This option is helpful for their publication.


This second option is suitable for individuals or organizations who want to support some portion of the running costs of the program, not limited to cover the cost of students’ tuition, accommodation, and food, but also to cover the additional running cost, such as the cost of purchasing new equipment (computer, laptops) and the cost of maintenance.
All these years we had covered the additional running cost from a separate source of funding, which we hadn’t embedded it in the published cost of sponsoring a student.

This option offers more flexibility in terms of the number of donations people are willing and committed to contributing.
Opportunity amid Pandemic – We challenge ourselves to provide a new learning experience to our students. This year we will provide each of our students with a laptop. The students will borrow the laptops throughout their study at Campuhan College. We will purchase 16 laptops this year and another 8 next year, each cost ten million rupiahs.
The laptops and the internet are very vital to ensure not only to continue our program in this pandemic, but most of all to meet our bigger needs to provide our students with more access to learning resources which we will load to their computers and also upload to our e-learning site.
We aim to enhance creative teaching and learning experience for both the facilitators and the students.
We are thrill that we have received enough funding from our network of friends and supporters to purchase 5 laptops so far, and we aim to complete the purchase of 16 laptops by the end of August 2020.


This is a new way for individuals to take part and engage in the program, by providing mentorship to one student or more, not limited to mentor them with their English but also to mentor them in creating a simple business plan, etc. Mentors can do their mentorship online via Skype, Google Meet, Zoom, or even WhatsApp.

We will start the mentorship program when the students have studied at Campuhan College for three months, this will give our facilitators and students enough time to identify the focus area of mentoring.

The initial stage of mentoring will focus on mentoring our students with their English and move to business mentoring at a later stage when the students do their assignment to explore a simple business idea and to create a business and action plan.
We will send further details of our Mentoring plans in due course.
Our program has been focusing to develop the soft-skill of our students that help them lay a foundation for their lifelong learning and also gaining new hard skills in Campuhan College and throughout their lives.

To develop values, self-awareness, self-motivation, and responsibility and clarity of purpose are a very central part of our curriculum.
Once again, thank you for your willingness to support our work, without which none of this would be possible.

Should you wish to contribute to the laptops’ purchase, to make a pledge to sponsor a student, donate to the program, or give us input on the plans outlined above, you may contact me at: taka.gani@karunabali.or.id

Gede Superdika
Director, Karuna Bali