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Living Values

LVE Indonesia Report May – September 2017

 Sent by Philip....

Warm greetings from Bali,Indonesia!


Here in Bali the team are working under the tremors and heat from Mount Agung, one of the volcanoes in Bali that suddenly decided that it’s time to throw the pressure out. The volcano has not exploded yet, we are still waiting for it. Considering that Indonesia a part of the Ring of Fire volcano chain, it’s quite normal occurrence for us.


In the period of May to September 2017, 12 workshops have been undertaken serving 319 people in 9 different cities spread over 8 provinces. That’s 6 hours direct flight from the most western city (Lampung) to the eastern corner (Ambon).


Most of the workshops done in this period focused on building interfaith cooperation (giving a chance for young teachers from different religious background a time to be together), providing safe space for activist to be themselves (especially those working with minority groups 24/7 without a time to reflect and recharge - part of our “serving the servants” mandate), and also preparing future teachers with values based education perspective (in several teaching universities).


One of the newest initiatives in Indonesia is Living Indonesian Values, a workshop designed to rediscover traditional Indonesian values. Initiated by Ms Anggraeni Dewi, this initiative was started with a survey with 1 main question: what is the traditional Indonesian values that are important for you? (a little bit like the global survey that begin the LVE model). From the result of this survey, 17 values was prioritized (17 as in August 17, the independence day of Indonesia), then made into several activities.


Using the same framework with Educator Workshops, a full workshop was tried out in 13-14 September 2017. You can check the happy faces of the trainers that were involved in testing out this new variation, where they got to play, sing and dance many traditional games, song, and dance of their childhood.


Another ongoing initiative is the creation of a workshop that functions as a retreat for trainers. With more than 50 trainers all over Indonesia, ALIVE Indonesia needed to create a space for trainers to step back a little, reflect, and recharge. With most of our trainers also activist in their respective communities this kind of silent moment is precious and rare for them. Our latest incarnation of the retreat was run by Wayan Rustiasa and Philip Yusenda in Ciputat, Banten province on 13-14 August 2017. The feedback from trainers are encouraging, as they feel “re-energized”, “revitalized” when they get a moment to reflect and refresh.


We are also continuing our effort to republish the Indonesian version of LVE activities books. See the picture of the cover of Young Adult Activities book, with all new design and illustration.


Finally and most wonderfully, we welcome Ms Elisabeth Natalina Huwa as the new Coordinator of ALIVE Indonesia. Elis will starts her role in January 2018. I will stay in advisory capacity until June 2018, and then continue as trainer, something that gives me much pleasure.


Salam!  Philip Yusenda, Coordinator, ALIVE Indonesia


