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Dear Friends of Karuna Bali

What a wonderful experience it is to witness a young person making a shift of their own volition to change their life, to have someone from an impoverished background break out of generations of poverty to assume command and to make own choices. This is what the Karuna Bali experience is giving to us and the gratitude from those of our students who make that shift is multi dimensional!

2016 was a turning point for this non profit organisation. Our management and faculty family of seventeen reviewed and fully accepted the Vision, Mission, and Values of Karuna Bali which bind us together in service with a united dedication to Karuna Bali Foundation with the cornerstone teams - "Campuhan College One Year and Short Courses", "EduCare, Let's Talk", "Living Values Training", and our signature program, "Leadership from Within - A Journey into Sustainable Changes".

It's an exciting place to work and the team love the stimulation and opportunities that comes with their "Yes! we can!" attitude.

Love and Blessings from all the people involved in Bali who are inspired by your support and encouragement. We do trust that you are having as much fun and joy as we are from our association.

Wayan, Iluh, Raj, Suz and all the team at Karuna Bali