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Campuhan College

Introducing Schooling at Campuhan College

"extending love, wisdom & knowledge"

In 2006 we envisioned an institution that would provide youth education in the English language and computers in Ubud, Bali. Through an amazing sequence of what can only be described as a miraculous synchronicity of opportunity and funding support, our original vision took form and the doors of Campuhan College opened to students in February 2007.

Our activities attracted the attention of Living Values Education, an international non profit organisation dedicated to the development of Values in the individual.  As a result the desire to include a values based atmosphere enhanced the teaching philosphy within Campuhan College which over the years has morphed into a holistic and inclusive embracemen of Values education within all the normal teaching curriculum.

Since 2007 we have realised our goal of educating over 600 students annually whose ages range from 12 years to 18 years old within a short three month course programme. As our success provided measurable results for our students, we realized that there was great benefit in expanding our offering to the larger community. Our willingness to remain innovative and progressive took on energy of its own and took us beyond our original offering of English and computer training.

Financially challanged young graduates either selected by Bali high school principals as having high potential or self motivated individuals seeking greater education form our One Year Leadership & Communication scholarship program. 

At least 50% of the annual intake is financially sponsored by young American high school students from Colorado.

The other students are all individually sponsored by Friends of Karuna Bali inspired by seeing for themselves the miracle of change created by a year living in Values, Leadership and Character building.  This has allowed us expand the intake to 26 in each year. 

From the beginning the first students were responsible not only for their own education but also for the management of other activities and community projects such as the English Club, the Film Nights, supporting the local Orphanage.  

Through the students and now 250 strong alumni desire to 'give back' for the benefit they received, the momentum created what has now become a cornerstone of Karuna Bali - "EduCare".  The students and alumni themselves run the values based programme to inspire youth in the local villages, called "Let's Talk".




Graduation Ceremonies

Click here We are thrilled to share the excitement of our past Graduation Ceremonies and other photographic activities with you.

Campuhan College Activities

Campuhan College is a vibrant centre, offering a diverse selection of courses and also acting as a Projects hub for other Karuna Bali activities. For Indonesian speaking visitors, the…
